May 15-16, 2024

Yıldız Technical University

This event has passed.

Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Kubernetes Community Days Istanbul

Join us for an exciting journey into the heart of cloud native innovation at KCD Istanbul!

As part of the global Kubernetes Community Days, our event brings together experts, enthusiasts, and novices to explore the latest trends, share insights, and collaborate in the landscape of cloud native technologies.

Get Your Ticket!

Our Team

Our team is made up of volunteers from the CNCF community. We are always looking for new volunteers to help us organize events and grow the community. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to us on CNCF Slack at #kcd-istanbul-public channel.

Halil Bugöl
CNCF Ambassador - Co-founder
Emin Alemdar
CNCF Ambassador - Solutions Architect
Batuhan Apaydın
CNCF Ambassador - Senior Software Developer
Trendyol Group
Ali Ok
CNCF Ambassador - Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
Alp Kahvecioglu
Cloud & Platform Engineer
Koray Oksay
Consultant / SRE / Trainer